We can officially date the establishment of Steel & Hall s.r.o. to 14th October 2015, but the foundations of the company were laid much earlier. On the timeline you can see years of experience and foreign trips, trials, mistakes but above all the success. And that is why we are here now and we believe that with every year and with a good team we will just improve it.


06 / 2021

Už nás potkáte i s tímto obrem. V tradiční červené a bílé !


Umělecká dílna v Čelákovicích úspěšně zkolaudována. Přejeme příjemné užívání nových prostor ! 

12 / 2020

O našem jednateli Janu Juríkovi napsali v časopisu Hospodářské komory. Hangár pro Boeing totiž opravdu nepostaví každý !

07 / 2020

Přístavba ke škole Eduso se chýlí ke konci. Fasáda se vybarvila a my máme radost ! 

06 / 2019

We take over the construction site for the new school building in Prague Chodov. The construction is starting! Long live Eduso!

05 / 2019

Expansion of our vehicle fleet. You won't miss us on the road anymore !

09 / 2018

Approval of New headquarters of 4ISP s.r.o. company in Modletice.



03 / 2018

Approval of Hangar S in Ruzyně, construction successfully completed.

09 / 2017

Opening ceremony of Eurazio building in Modletice!


We support talented people and our friends and therefore we also supported the Semerád Rallye team! 


10 / 2015

Establishment of STEEL & HALL s.r.o. in Hradec Králové by Jan Jurík. Nothing ventured, nothing gained! :-D


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Satisfied clients

Behind our rocket start-up stand several companies or institutions that have given us confidence and we were able to cooperate in the construction of many types of buildings. Behind each company is a person who believed in a young enthusiastic company, although at the time with not too many references. We sincerely thank everyone for this courage and look forward to further cooperation.